
Load Balancing Applications with Minikube: From Simple to Advanced

Apply the deployment:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Create a service to expose your application. You can use kubectl expose for this:

kubectl expose deployment python-flask-app --type=NodePort --port=8080

Step 4: Access Your Application Using minikube service

Now that your service is up and running, use the minikube service command to access it:

minikube service python-flask-app

This command automatically opens your default web browser to the service running in Minikube, providing direct access to your Flask application.


The minikube service command simplifies the process of accessing services within your Minikube cluster, eliminating the need for manual configuration and making development workflows more efficient. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly set up and access a Python Flask application, leveraging the convenience and power of Minikube for local Kubernetes development. This approach not only accelerates development cycles but also ensures that your applications can be easily tested in an environment that closely mirrors production.

Continue to the next page to learn about LoadBalancer: Emulating Cloud Environments with Minikube