AWS Terraform

Splitting Terraform State Files into Environment-Specific State Files with GitLab, HashiCorp Vault, and Terraform

we’ll explore moving resources from a single Terraform state file to three separate state files—Development, Preproduction, and Production. The goal is to manage resources across different environments effectively, using GitLab, HashiCorp Vault, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform.

briefcase for documents placed on table
AWS Azure Kubernetes Linux PowerShell Python Scripts Terraform Windows

Coding for Beginners or Advanced – A Standard set files for your projects

This might not apply to your projects but as a DevOps Engineer I think it’s good to have a standard set of files/folders for each of my projects. It keeps things tidy and helps me. This list is based on my projects using Terraform, GitLab, Docker, Packer, git and more. Here’s a brief explanation of […]


Load Balancing Applications with Minikube: From Simple to Advanced

Minikube is a popular tool for running Kubernetes locally, allowing developers to test and develop applications in a Kubernetes environment on their personal computers. One of the key features of Kubernetes is its ability to load balance traffic across multiple instances of an application, ensuring reliability and availability. This article explores the different ways you […]

AWS PowerShell Terraform Vault

Hashicorp Vault AWS auth backend role Terraform example, then access secret from the userdata instance.

AWS auth role in Vault is specifically designed for applications running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. It leverages AWS IAM roles to authenticate and authorize applications to access secrets in Vault. The key components of the AWS auth role are:

PowerShell Windows

In PowerShell on a Windows machine, Create event logs and detect errors in my code.

You can create custom event logs in PowerShell using the New-EventLog cmdlet, and then use the Write-EventLog cmdlet to write events to the log. Here’s an example: In this example, the New-EventLog cmdlet is used to create a new event log named “MyScriptLog” with a source of “MyScript”. The Write-EventLog cmdlet is then used to […]