briefcase for documents placed on table
AWS Azure Kubernetes Linux PowerShell Python Scripts Terraform Windows

Coding for Beginners or Advanced – A Standard set files for your projects

This might not apply to your projects but as a DevOps Engineer I think it’s good to have a standard set of files/folders for each of my projects. It keeps things tidy and helps me. This list is based on my projects using Terraform, GitLab, Docker, Packer, git and more. Here’s a brief explanation of […]

AWS PowerShell Terraform Vault

Hashicorp Vault AWS auth backend role Terraform example, then access secret from the userdata instance.

AWS auth role in Vault is specifically designed for applications running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. It leverages AWS IAM roles to authenticate and authorize applications to access secrets in Vault. The key components of the AWS auth role are:

PowerShell Windows

In PowerShell on a Windows machine, Create event logs and detect errors in my code.

You can create custom event logs in PowerShell using the New-EventLog cmdlet, and then use the Write-EventLog cmdlet to write events to the log. Here’s an example: In this example, the New-EventLog cmdlet is used to create a new event log named “MyScriptLog” with a source of “MyScript”. The Write-EventLog cmdlet is then used to […]


Setting Up Pester Tests

Hey, how are you doing? Thought I would write about setting up Pester tests, and the structure I use. This comes about because when I need to start a new project and have some Pester tests running against the infrastructure I have a standard setup I use. So I decided to share it as it […]

AKS Azcli Azure Kubernetes PowerShell

AKS Azure Kubernetes Services – Private AKS Endpoint.

Check out my github repo for an ARM Template that deploys AKS. Private AKS Endpoint. If you enable the AKS private endpoint you can ensure network traffic between your API server and your node pools remains on the private network only. Which is great for security. But it also means your k8s API is […]



WinRM seems a very complicated way to access a server. But it can be easier if you know the basics. Remote Machine – The Server you want to connect to To start on the machine you want to connect to, you need to set up WinRM and enable PSRemoting (PowerShell Remoting). This can be done […]

Azure PowerShell Terraform

Useful Azure Virtual Machine’s Images for Arm and Terraform Templates

I get stuck when considering which image to use for my virtual machines. Has a new image come out??? What options are available to me now? There are so many to choose from. To use virtual machine images, there are four parts that you need to find to reference them in your code. Publisher: The […]