AWS Terraform

Splitting Terraform State Files into Environment-Specific State Files with GitLab, HashiCorp Vault, and Terraform

In this article, we’ll explore moving resources from a single Terraform state file to three separate state files—Development, Preproduction, and Production. The goal is to manage resources across different environments effectively, using GitLab, HashiCorp Vault, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform.

We assume you currently have a single Terraform state file in GitLab that stores resources for all environments in a state file called production. Each of the resources are identical except for the names and are defined as separate files (,, and Examples of the files are below:-

resource "aws_vpc" "development_main" {
  cidr_block = var.cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "development-main-vpc"

resource "aws_subnet" "development_main" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = var.subnet_cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "development-main-subnet"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "development_backend" {
  name = "development-backend-secret"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "development_access_key" {
  name = "development-access-key-secret"

resource "aws_vpc" "preproduction_main" {
  cidr_block = var.cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "preproduction-main-vpc"

resource "aws_subnet" "preproduction_main" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = var.subnet_cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "preproduction-main-subnet"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "preproduction_backend" {
  name = "preproduction-backend-secret"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "preproduction_access_key" {
  name = "preproduction-access-key-secret"
resource "aws_vpc" "production_main" {
  cidr_block = var.cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "production-main-vpc"

resource "aws_subnet" "production_main" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = var.subnet_cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "production-main-subnet"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "production_backend" {
  name = "production-backend-secret"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "production_access_key" {
  name = "production-access-key-secret"

And we will end up with one file instead called which will look like this

resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  cidr_block = var.cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "main-vpc"

resource "aws_subnet" "main" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = var.subnet_cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "main-subnet"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "backend" {
  name = "backend-secret"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "access_key" {
  name = "access-key-secret"

I’d suggest using a docker-compose.yml file for ease as well, but you don’t have to. Here is an example of one if you want to use it.

    image: www.whereever-your-images-are:terraform-1.5.7
      - NET_RAW
          cpus: '0.50'
          memory: 512M
    working_dir: /work/
    entrypoint: terraform
      - local
      - ${PWD}:/work
      - label:disable
      - no-new-privileges:true
      - TF_VAR_environment
      - TF_HTTP_ADDRESS=${TF_VAR_environment}
      - TF_HTTP_LOCK_ADDRESS=${TF_VAR_environment}/lock
      - TF_HTTP_UNLOCK_ADDRESS=${TF_VAR_environment}/lock
      - TERRAFORM_VAULT_AUTH_JWT=notarealtoken
      - TF_VAR_vault_token=${TF_VAR_vaultnp_token}

Let’s break down the steps:


  1. Tools Installed: Ensure you have the following installed:
    • Terraform
    • Git CLI
    • HashiCorp Vault – not needed if you are not using Vault.
  2. Environment Variables Configured: You should already have a Vault token and GitLab credentials exported. For example: export VAULT_TOKEN="<your-vault-token>" export GITLAB_TOKEN="<your-gitlab-token>"
  3. Access to State File: Make sure the current state file is accessible from GitLab, and you have permission to modify it.
  4. Set a variable called environment. export TF_VAR_environment=production. This will be used to point to each environment.

Step 1: Pull the Current State File

What and Why?

Pulling the current state file gives you a local copy of the state data. This file contains the resource IDs that will be required for re-importing the resources into their respective environment-specific state files later.

Start by pulling the current state file locally:

terraform state pull > current_state.tfstate

This file is critical for identifying resource IDs during the migration process.

Step 2: Identify Resources to Move

What and Why?

Identifying resources ensures you know which resources need to be migrated to the new state files. This step helps you map out which resources belong to each environment.

Examine the state file to list the resources you need to migrate. Use the following command to list all resources:

terraform state list

For example, you might see:


We will move these resources into environment-specific state files. So we can leave production resources as they are already in the production state file, but we need to move any development and preproduction resources out. If you have any data blocks, they will get imported into each state so you shouldn’t need to remove them.

Step 3: Remove Resources from the Current State File

What and Why?

Removing resources from the current state file ensures they are no longer tracked in the production state file. This prevents conflicts when importing them into the new environment-specific state files.

Use terraform state rm to remove resources from the current state file:

terraform state rm aws_vpc.development_main
terraform state rm aws_subnet.development_main
terraform state rm aws_vpc.preproduction_main
terraform state rm aws_subnet.preproduction_main
terraform state rm vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.development_backend
terraform state rm vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.development_access_key
terraform state rm vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.preproduction_backend
terraform state rm vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.preproduction_access_key

After removal, verify they no longer appear:

terraform state list

Step 4: Replace Environment-Specific Files with

What and Why?

Instead of maintaining separate Terraform files for each environment with redundant resource definitions, you can consolidate the resources into a single file. This file contains all shared resource configurations, and Terraform will dynamically apply them based on the selected environment. With the old, and rename them to, and or comment out each resource. These will not be used going forward.

Here is an example of

resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  cidr_block = var.cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "main-vpc"

resource "aws_subnet" "main" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = var.subnet_cidr_block
  tags = {
    Name = "main-subnet"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "backend" {
  name = "backend-secret"

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "access_key" {
  name = "access-key-secret"

Step 5: Set the Target Environment

What and Why?

Setting the target environment ensures that Terraform operations are directed to the correct environment-specific state file. This is achieved by configuring the backend dynamically based on the environment.

Use an environment variable to specify the target environment for the migration. For example:

export TF_VAR_environment="development"

Update your docker-compose.yml file to use the correct vault token:
     - TF_VAR_vault_token=${TF_VAR_vaultnp_token}

If you are not using Vault don’t bother with this line, comment it out.

Step 6: Import Resources into the new Development or Preproduction State Files

What and Why?

Importing resources into the new state file allows Terraform to track these resources under the new environment-specific configuration. Use import blocks for better readability and organization.

Create a separate file and add import blocks for the resources that you removed from the production state and want to import into the development state or preproduction depending on which one you are doing first. The process is the same, remember to change the TF_VAR_environment variable to the correct environment. Look up the ID’s in the state list file, so you would be looking for the resources with the development in the name, get the ID, and import to the new resources.

# Import block
import {
  to = aws_vpc.main 
  id = "vpc-0abcd1234efgh5678"

import {
  to = aws_subnet.main
  id = "subnet-0abcd1234ijkl9012"

import {
  to = vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.backend
  id = "backend-1234abcd"

import {
  to = vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.access_key 
  id = "accesskey-5678efgh"

Here is an example for the development environment:

terraform init
terraform plan

Check that the plan looks right for the number to import, in this case 4. Then run:-

terraform apply 

Once the apply is complete, you can check in gitlab to see the new state file listed in the Terraform state section and run a terraform state list to see the resources are now in the development state file.

Repeat for the preproduction environments, replacing resource IDs from the state file but look for the resources that have the preproduction names as the ID’s will change Save over the existing file as you don’t need to keep it for development:

export ENVIRONMENT="preproduction"

# Import block
import {
  to = aws_vpc.main 
  id = "vpc-0zxyg5678ytre9012"

import {
  to = aws_subnet.main
  id = "subnet-0zxyg5678j90210"

import {
  to = vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.backend
  id = "backend-5678zxyt"

import {
  to = vault.aws_secretsmanager_secret.access_key 
  id = "accesskey-4325ezxy"

Once you have saved the file with the new ID’s, run the terraform init.

terraform init
terraform plan

Check that the plan looks right for the number to import, in this case 4. Then run:-

Terraform apply

Once the apply is complete, you can check in gitlab to see the new state file listed in the Terraform state section and run a terraform state list to see the resources are now in the preproduction state file.

Step 7: Validate and Commit Changes

What and Why?

Validation ensures that the configuration is correct and that Terraform can manage the resources without issues. Committing changes updates your version control system with the new configuration and state file definitions.

After importing resources into each state file, validate the configuration:

terraform validate

Commit the updated Terraform configurations to GitLab:

git add .
git commit -m "Split state files into environment-specific states"
git push origin main


By splitting the Terraform state files into environment-specific states, you gain better control over resource management and reduce risks of accidental changes across environments. Using GitLab, HashiCorp Vault, and Terraform, this process ensures secure, consistent, and isolated infrastructure management for Development, Preproduction, and Production environments.